Monday, February 18, 2013

Yonex Arcsaber 11 vs Arcsaber 10

After more than 4 years, a numerical successor to Yonex flagship Arcsaber line, Arcsaber 10-


Ak(u) Seiba jyu ichi  (アークセイバー11)

Launched before All England 2013, like most Yonex high end models making its debut at All England.

The frame on gross examination, showed similar profile, with the same stringing pattern. Arcsaber 11 even shared the same 6 X grommet, Yonex cat#AC416L-1 and the 2 X grommet cat#AC416W-1

Similar overall in construction except different material in the frame and the T-joint. Shaft materil is the same, i.e. HM graphite + ultra PEF.

Arc11 incorporated new (Neo) CS carbon Nanotube, and Sonic Metal in the frame. In the T-joint, there's a lighter internal T-joint called the T-ANCHOR.

Balance point and stiffness are roughly equivalent...Marketed as a successor to Arcsaber 10, this racquet is a control racquet.

Max recommended tension is similar, i.e. up to 24lbs. Surprisingly, not up to 26lbs, given the trend of stronger frames like the Nanoray and Voltric series.

More to come...

Sunday, February 3, 2013

Resistance training for badminton (wrist/fingers)

Badminton is a fast sports that require explosive muscle movement, particularly the legs.

Explosive movements include lunges, block jumps, etc,
These muscle movements can be trained in the gym via resistance training. i.e. leg press, leg extension...

But how about training the strokes with resistance?

Above racquet head cover from Yonex with some vents.

Racquet cover are useful to add resistance via air drag. 

Coach Lee demonstrate his modified racquet head cover (similar in concept to the Yonex ones above)

Useful to improve finger power and wrist movement (for quick/short/sharp movement, difficult to simulate in the gym).

Imho this type of resistance training is better than a squash, heavy trainer (160-200g) racquet or heaven forbid a 300g tennis racquet.