Racquet sports are particularly tough on the joints. Badminton is especially tough on the lower joints particularly the ankle and knees. To a lesser extent badminton can also cause groin strain and charley horse, if proper stretching is not done. Another common injury is the 'racquet' wrist/finger/elbow and shoulder.
Badminton injuries--a prospective epidemiological and socioeconomic study.
K Høy, B E Lindblad, C J Terkelsen, H E Helleland, and C J Terkelsen, Br J Sports Med. 1994 December; 28(4): 276–279.
I hate to be a bearer of bad news. Damage to the knee particularly the meniscus is devastating. Likely the end of badminton playing days. This is chiefly, the menisci cartilage is difficult to repair and treat successfully. Common orthopaedic treatment is just pain relief. Orthopaedic surgeons called it debridement or Lavage. Not only that, the fancy surgery that uses autologous chondrocytes etc can run into thousands of dollars. The repaired tissue is probably become fibrocartilage and result in inferior tissue, according to clinical litreture, it may cause OA or OsteoArthritis. Even for youth, damage to the joints is a no-no. By all means, protect your joints. Better be safe than sorry.
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