Pros: One of the best eye candy shoe, well cushioned all around, ease of movement and mid-range price
Cons: Lateral instability when landing from a jumpsmash, can cause rolled ankle if shoe lace is not tight. (happens to any shoes for that matter).
So far the benchmark of all badminton shoes. Can't get any better than this.
Pros: Well cushioned heels, ease of movement to any direction, durability (for me anyways), lateral stability, ankle support and very comfortable.
Cons: the most expensive Yonex shoes, cushioning a bit lacking in forefeet especially when landing from a jumpsmash, others may may have issues with its durability.
Pros: very well cushioned shoes, hardly felt any impact when lunging or landing from a jump
Cons: not a badminton specific shoe, slightly heavy which affects mobility, not well ventilated, feet warms up easily and slightly high on the ground (need to tie shoe lace tightly)
Mizuno Wave Smash-SG
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